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For The Love Of The Game


A project I’ve been working on looking at various football supporters. I first started this project after going to various games as an observer, after seeing the passion and support the fans gave to their teams; I wanted to capture the energy and atmosphere around English football.


I want to focus my research and work around personal individual subjects, looking at their experiences with football and what gives them the passion for the game. Some people's lives depend and evolve around football, I want to see how it affects their lives and see how much it affects them.

Charlie Johns, Plymouth Argyle Fan 



I first met charlie a few years back through friends of friends, from the start I knew he had a passion for football and especially Plymouth Arglye, charlie grew up around his family who all were Argle supporters. He currently attends every home game and will take the odd trip to away games.  


Charlie has been a supporter for over a decade now and his love of football is always growning, he also enjoyes the social side, meetting fans, going for drinks and celebrating wins. Plymouth have had a strong start to the 2016 season and are strong contenders to be promoted up a league.



Charlie Johns Argyle Fan -
00:00 / 00:00

Lewis Bax, Arsenal Fan



Lewis Bax is 21 and has been a Arsenal  (Gunner) supporter for many years, he started through his dads influence and hasn't looked back since. Lewis' large collection of fan merchandise goes back many years from old football shirts to old football playing cards. 


Lewis mainly enjoyes the social side of football, he has stopped playing competitively but he still plays regulaly for his local team Frog pool. Aswell as this he also watches many games on TV, plays console games such as FIFA and competing in Fantasy Football Leagues.

Zach Maunder, Chelsea Fan



Zach is a 21 year old chelsea fan, he's been a massive football fan all his life, with a passion for the game zach's collecton is very large with 10+ shirts from various seasons, many various chelsea merchandise and he's even painted his room blue and white which are the club colours. 


Zach plays football on a regular basis for his local team Falmouth DC who are currently in the top five for his league, his passion came from a young age and has played for many teams throughout the years. 

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